

D. B. Knoester, H. J. Goldsby, and C. Adami. Leveraging Evolutionary Search to Discover Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Cellular Automata, submitted to SASO 2014. [arXiv]

A. E. Johnson, E. Strauss, R. Pickett, C. Adami, I. Dworkin, and H. J. Goldsby. More Bang For Your Buck: Quorum-Sensing Capabilities Improve the Efficacy of Suicidal Altruism. Proceedings of Artificial Life 14 (to be published).

C. Adami, J. Schossau, and A. Hintze. Evolutionary Game Theory Using Agent-based Methods. BioEssays (in review).[arXiv]

A. Gupta and C. Adami. Information Redistribution in HIV-1 Protease Following Treatment. (in review).

R. S. Olson, D. B. Knoester, and C. Adami. Evolution of Swarming Behavior is Shaped By How Predators Attack[arXiv](J. Evol. Comp., in review).

A. Hintze, R. S. Olson, C. Adami, and R. Hertwig. Variability Risk Aversion as an Evolutionary Adaptation[arXiv] (Sci. Rep., in review).

B. Patra et al. A Genome-wide Dosage Suppressor Network Reveals Genetic Robustness and a Novel Mechanism for Huntington’s Disease. Nature Communications, in review. [arxiv]

H.J. Goldsby, D.B. Knoester, C. Ofria, and B. Kerr. The Evolutionary Origin of Somatic Cells under the Dirty Work Hypothesis. PLoS Biology 12 (2014) e1001858. [Journal].

B. Østman, R. Lin, and C. Adami. Tradeoffs Drive Resource Specialization and the Gradual Establishment of Ecotypes. BMC Evol. Biol. 14 (2014) 113 [Journal] [arXiv]


D. B. Knoester, H. J. Goldsby, and P. K. McKinley. Genetic Variation and the Evolution of Consensus in Digital Organisms. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 17 (2013) 403-417.

R. S. Olson, M. Mirmomeni, T. Brom, E. Bruger, A. Hintze, D. B. Knoester, and C. Adami. Evolved digital ecosystems: Dynamic steady state, not optimal fixed point. In: “Advances in Artificial Life (ECAL 2013)” (P. Liò, O. Miglino, G. Nicosia, S. Nolfi and M. Pavone, eds.) MIT Press (2013) pp. 126-133. [Proceedings] [PDF]

S. D. Chapman, D. B. Knoester, A. Hintze, and C. Adami. Evolution of an artificial visual cortex for image recognition. In: “Advances in Artificial Life (ECAL 2013)” (P. Liò, O. Miglino, G. Nicosia, S. Nolfi and M. Pavone, eds.) MIT Press (2013) pp. 1067-1074. [Proceeedings] [PDF]

R. S. Olson, D. B. Knoester, and C. Adami. Critical Interplay Between Density-dependent Predation and Evolution of the Selfish Herd. Proceedings of GECCO 2013, pp. 247-254. Best paper award in Artificial Life track. [Proceedings] [PDF]BibTeX

C. Adami and A. Hintze. Evolutionary Instability of Zero-Determinant Strategies Demonstrates That Winning is Not Everything. Nature Communications 4 (2013) 2193. [Journal] [arXiv] [Press release]

B. Østman and C. Adami. Predicting Evolution and Visualizing High-dimensional Fitness Landscapes . In “Recent Advances in the Theory and Application of Fitness Landscapes” (A. Engelbrecht and H. Richter, eds.) Springer Series in Emergence, Complexity, and Computation (2013), pp. 493-510.

R. S. Olson, A. Hintze, F. C. Dyer, D. B. Knoester, C. Adami. Predator Confusion is Sufficient to Evolve Swarming Behavior, Journal of the Royal Society Interface 10: 20130305 (2013) [Journal] [PDF] BibTeX

L. Marstaller, A. Hintze, and C. Adami, The Evolution of Representation in Simple Cognitive Networks. Neural Computation 25 (2013) 2079-2105. [Journal]


C. Adami. Boldly Going Beyond Mathematics. Science 338 (2012) [Journal] [PDF]

C. Adami. Adaptive Walks on the Fitness Landscape of Music. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A 109 (2012) 11898-11899.[PDF]

J. Qian, T. Ferguson, D. Shinde, A. Ramirez-Borrero, A. Hintze, C. Adami, and A. Niemz. Sequence Dependence of Isothermal DNA Amplification via EXPAR. Nucleic Acids Research 40 (2012) e87 [Journal] [PDF].

C. Adami. The Use of Information Theory in Evolutionary Biology, Annals NY Acad. Sciences 1256 (2012) 49-65.[Journal] [PDF]

C. Adami, J. Schossau, and A. Hintze. Evolution and Stability of Altruist Strategies in Microbial Games. Physical ReviewE 85 (2012) 011914 [Journal] [PDF]

B. Østman, A. Hintze and C. Adami. Impact of Epistasis and Pleiotropy on Evolutionary Adaptation. Proc. Roy. Soc. 279(2012) 247-256. [Journal] [PDF]


J. Edlund, N. Chaumont, A. Hintze, C. Koch, G. Tononi, and C. Adami. Integrated Information Increases with Fitness in the Evolution of Animats. PLoS Comp. Biol. 7 (2011) e1002236. [Journal] [PDF]

E.D. Dorn and C. Adami. Robust Monomer Distribution Biosignatures in Evolving Digital Biota. Astrobiology 11 (2011) 959-968. [Journal] [PDF]

C. Adami, J.Qian, M. Rupp, and A. Hintze. Information content of colored motifs in complex networks. Artificial Life 17(2011) 375-390. [Journal] [PDF]

C. Adami. Toward a Fully Relativistic Theory of Quantum Information. In: From Nuclei to Stars: Festschrift in Honor of Gerald E. Brown, edited by S. Lee (World Scientific, Singapore, 2011). Pp. 71-102. [PDF]

J. Qian, A. Hintze, and C. Adami. Colored Motifs Reveal Computational Building Blocks in the C. elegans Brain. PLoS ONE 6 (2011) e17013. [Journal] [PDF]

E. Dorn, K. H. Nealson, and C. Adami. Monomer Abundance Distribution Patterns as a Universal Biosignature: Examples from Terrestrial and Digital Life. J. Mol. Evol 72 (2011) 283-295. [Abstract] [PDF]